Studies have shown that germs can stay on surfaces for anywhere from a few hours to a week, but with the right cleaning routine with Viva® Multi-Surface™ Paper Towels, you can make sure your home is safe and sanitized.
Use the right cleanersHere’s a list of the most effective cleaners for sanitizing your home against germs:
Wear gloves while cleaning
As an extra precaution against viruses, wear disposable latex gloves, and try not to touch anything or anyone while you’re wearing them to avoid the risk of spreading viruses. Throw the gloves away after every round of cleaning.
Clean high traffic areas
Your first step to a germ-free home is to disinfect any frequently touched areas like doorknobs, handrails, light switches, tabletops, desks, remote controls, and any space you and your family touch daily.
Use paper towels for one-time use instead of hand towels
Germs can easily live in the fibers of hand towels. Try to only use a towel once after a shower or bath and avoid reusing hand towels when drying your hands. You can make hand washing easier for you and the family if you keep a roll of paper towels and a waste bin by every sink in the home.
Take these steps to keep your household clean and sanitized for a healthy, germ-free home.